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what is html | Basic structure of html document

 Introdution to HTML

Mayank's Blog

html stands for hyper tect markup langauge that is used to create web pages we can say that it is the backbone of a website this langauge is more easier than c,c++ and java. we use this langauge in any platform like windows and linux etc. HTML is discoverd by physicst tim-berners-lee in 1980 in gevena.


In 1980, Tim Berners-Lee, a contractor physicist at CERN, proposed a system for using and sharing the documents of CERN Researchers (researchers). In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee wrote a memo proposing the web Based hypertext system.

Tim Berners-Lee is named the father of HTML. the primary description of HTML was a document called "HTML-tag". In 1991, Tim Berners-Lee mentioned HTML


  • <!DOCTYPE html>
  • <html>
  • <head>
  •     <title>"Title goes here"</title>
  • </head>
  • <body>
  •     <H1>Heading of the blog</H1>
  •      <P>paragraph of the post</p>
  • </body>
  • </html>


  • <!DOCTYPE html>
it indicates the type of the document because our computer dosen't know the type of file that's why we use <!DOCTYPE> to indicate the type of the file

  • <html> and </html> Tag

this is called Html tags it contains the head,title and body between them. it has two types 1. <html> this is the start html tag and 2. </html> this is the close html tag.

  • <title> and </title> tag

the title tag is used to show the title of the website. this tag has two types 1. <title> it is called start title tag and </title> it is called close title tag.and we write our title between them.

  • <body> and </body> tag

it is the body of our website it contains the heading,paragraphs and many more tags. this tag has two types 1. <body> that is called start body tag and </body> this is called close body tag.

  • <h1> and </h1> tag

that is called heading tab that shows the Heading of the website. and <h1> is start and </h1> is close tab

  • <p> and </p> tag

it is called paragraph tab. it shows the paragraph that is written in the website and <p> is start and </p> is close tab.


in this blog i was explained you the basic structure of html document and the basic information of tabs if you found this blog helpful for you please mention in comments and subscribed to our newsletter to stay updated with new technological topics.

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