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Generate Unlimited Content Ideas for Your Blog


Mayank's Blog

Hey if you are a blogger and you write text content on your website in any niche, so you need the best content idea that makes your post more relevant and understandable to your visitors.

here this guide will help you to find unlimited content ideas for your blog and trust me, guys, if you work on these content ideas you will get 100% high traffic on your website and your website will rank faster than others.

What is Content Idea?

content idea is a term that defines your content to your website visitors and helps visitors to understand what you want to say in your blog. in other words we can say that a content idea is a backbone your blog if you do not have a content idea so you cannot make a good blog

Why Content Is Important For Any Blog?

Content is the most valuable thing for any blog and website because it defines your website to your costumers and visitors to understand what you want to share with them on your website and it is also very important for SEO yes guys content also help your website to rank faster on google and creates strong visibility to your visitors.

Google Question Hub

Google Question Hub is a knowledge market platform developed and offered by Google. As part of reducing non-existent digital media backlog, it uses various but not-known search algorithms to collect unanswered web search queries for content creators, including journalists. Source

How Does It Work?

First, they collect unanswered questions directly from users to identify content gaps online. Creators like you can then use these insights to create better content for your audience. Finally, once it’s online, this better, richer content can benefit everyone. and you can get 100% organic traffic from google for free Source

How You Can Answer These Questions?

  1. First Go to https://questionhub.withgoogle.com/
  2. Sign up or Login Your Account
  3. Now on the right side click on "Add Questions" Button
  4. Then Search Question About Your Niche
  5. And Write a Rich Post on the question 
  6. then provide the post link into the answer area
  7. and then google will do the rest

How It Will Help Me To Rank Fast On Google?

Google Question Hub Collect Unanswered questions that have a good amount of traffic but there is no content to serve them that's why google Created a platform that is Question Hub Where you can create a post on it and answer them and that is obvious thing google will rank your articles fast to serve million of traffic that's why I am saying google will provide you 100% free traffic so go and sign up now and increase your traffic and get unlimited content ideas for your blogs.


Well I have explained all the main features of Google's Question Hub tool So now you can get unlimited content ideas for your blogs and make a rich content on these question and rank fast on google and start your earning faster 

And I Know guys now you are thinking about I can write articles but how can I SEO my Articles that's why I have free SEO course For you That is Powered By Google in the next post I will share it with you and you can blind faith on google. this google course improve your SEO techniques and Make you an SEO Expert

Till Then Take Care Bye Bye

Stay Safe | Stay Passionate about blogging | Jai Hind


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